Tips when building a Kit Home
Over recent years, Kit Homes have become popular among many Australian’s. Our Kit Homes are affordable, modern and stylish. Kit Homes allows the owner to build their own dream home or control the process of hiring contractors to complete tasks. Having flexibility when building a home is a substantial difference with building a Kit Home.
Here are some helpful tips when building a Kit Home:
Online Builders Course
Wholesale Homes and Sheds provides a owner builders course with all Kit Homes. Some of our clients have limited to no building knowledge. By completing an online owners builders course, it allows each customer an understanding about building. In addition, it helps when organizing different trades to complete tasks needed.
Creating a building Timeline
We suggest that you create a gannt chart to allow planning ahead of your new project. This also helps if your contracting specific jobs out when building your new home. A timeline will allow you to manage your contractors and times. This also helps with keeping track of your budget. Being organised will minimize the stress when building, acquiring quotes while going about your normal family life.
Secure Job Site
Having a safe and secure job site will help ease the flow of your project. With Wholesale Homes and Sheds delivering national wide we communicate to send your Kit Home in stages. Due to not having unnecessary materials on-site and risking damage or theft. This allows you or the contractor to keep the site clean and organised. It is important to check with the local council about building regulations with usually needing a closed off site and secured fence.
Create a Budget
Because building a Home may sound like a daunting process, using a budget will help you track of your costs. Most noteworthy especially if you are going to sub-contract all the work out. When acquiring quotes for tasks such as your slab pouring, electrical to name a few, the general rule is getting at least 3 quotes. when comparing quotes, it is important to not only choose the cheapest by by trusting the contractor to complete the task in an effective manner. You may even like to see some of their previous work to know full well what to expect. A contractor should outline each details on how and when he is going to complete the task.
Hiring a Sub-Contractor
To help building your Kit Home, you may have the option to hire a contractor. Plumbing, Electrical and gas will be contracted out by licenced tradesmen. Another positive when building one of our Kit Homes is you are in control of designing, building and constructing your own dream home.
Final word
It is important throughout your build to not over-work yourself. By allowing a reasonable completion time and not setting unrealistic deadlines, it will minimize stress. Having a stress-free environment will greatly impact the quality of work by not rushing through. A Kit Home is a great way to save money and is most affordable in recent times. A granny flat can be rented out as an additional income and will increase your total market value when selling.